One of the many things that the 2020/21 pandemic has taught us is that we must re-examine the very foundations of how we approach work. It’s still too soon to claim that its lessons have been taught and learnt – no neat, clear textbooks are available. So, nobody truly knows yet where the balance between remote and office-based work will settle.
As a firm, we have never promised to deliver a perfect work/life balance for everyone. But we do try to provide you with an environment that recognises that both will be important to you, probably in varying degrees, over the course of your career. To help you make your work productive, satisfying and rewarding, we provide all the infrastructure and operational tools you will ever need. This now includes tried and tested systems to sustain 100% remote working – if that is agreed to be best for you and the firm.
However, we also try to ensure that not everything is about work – whether in an office or at home. The collaboration we encourage and achieve in our work will always extend to other activities –socially engaging, sporting and unashamedly recreational.